All restaurants should have gluten-free menus! The good news is a lot of savvy operators are already getting on board. Sweet Christine's offers Restaurant Operators the very best Gluten-free baked products that are the staples of every menu.
Gluten-free is Good for Business
Being allergy-friendly can bring in new business. According to the Gluten Intolerance Group, ‘we can document that most restaurants will see a 14 percent increase in revenue from offering a gluten-free menu’.
Looking for Growth - look at these numbers!
According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN), more than 12 million Americans have food allergies, about 1 in 25 people. Up to 3 million more have celiac disease, requiring a strict gluten-free diet and several million more are following a gluten-free diet because it makes them feel better. With the prevalence of food allergies, associated anaphylaxis, and food sensitivities on the rise, these numbers are difficult to ignore. It’s clear that restaurants, grab-and-go establishments, hotels, university dining halls, secondary school lunchrooms and hospital cafeterias are paying attention.
To get more information on Sweet Christine's Gluten-Free Bakery, or to order a Gluten-Free Sample Package please fill out the information form located HERE.