In 2005 I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, which meant from that point on I could no longer eat anything that contained gluten.  Finding this diagnosis took many, many years though.  For years I had been experiencing abdominal pain and spasms.  If I ate certain foods, my symptoms would be worse.  After certain testing, doctors would say I must have IBS (Irritated Bowel Syndrome). They also said that I was stressed and should relax more.  Relax was not in my vocabulary.  After all, I have three children under the age of seven.  Who wouldn’t be stressed? But during the summer my symptoms became worse.  I started experiencing parenthesis (tingling in the hands, feet and actually at different times, all over). The joint pain had gotten so bad at times I couldn’t move parts of my body.  Looking back now there was a lot of signs and discomforts along the way that I can attribute to my diagnosis of Celiac Disease.


Once diagnosed I quickly realized that most gluten free foods were tasteless and that I had to start finding my own recipes so the experimenting began.  My family has always enjoyed eating mommy’s chocolate chip cookies so that was my first task.  I sampled many gluten free cookies and was very disappointed.  They were flavorless, in fact they were terrible.  At this point, I knew I had to make my own gluten free chocolate chip cookie. After many attempts at trying to perfect the same flavor of chocolate chip cookies that I made before this disease came into my life, I believe I’ve found it.  From there I guess you can say I became “mom the baker”.  Then in 2007 I started baking in a dedicated gluten free kitchen in my home and experimented with other recipes.  Soon word got out and I quickly realized that the celiac population was growing quite rapidly.  I began selling my gluten free products to many local health food stores and in October 2008 I opened Sweet Christine’s Bakery. Everything I bake now is gluten free, organic and has no artificial flavorings or preservatives.  This venture has become my passion.  Being diagnosed with Celiac Disease has changed my life, but I think for the better. What a difference! The energy is amazing.

If you have a story like mine please reach out to me and share. Thank you for visiting.

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Tuesday - Friday 9:00 - 6:00
Saturday 9:00 - 3:00

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