Wholesale - Frequently Asked Questions

How can I open an account for my business?

Please call our Customer Service office at 610-444-5542 and provide us with your business address, phone number, and a contact name. We will have a Sales representative contact you as soon as possible. You will need to fill out and sign a Credit Application before your account can be activated.

How can I get credit terms for my business?

Please fill out and sign our Credit Application. You can email the credit application to your sales representative. Our Accounting department will check your references and set the credit terms for your account. Please call our Customer Service office at 610-444-5542 or your sales representative for more information.

What is the turn around time on my wholesale order?

Please call our Customer Service office at 610-444-5542 to place your order. For deliveries in your service area, we will need a seven day lead time. Please remember, our office is closed on Sundays.

What is the turn around time on special orders?
Please call our Customer Service office at 610-444-5542 to place your order. For special order deliveries in your service area, we will need a ten day lead time. 

Can I email my order?

We do allow our customers to send us their orders via email. We still ask that you respect our 3PM order deadlines. Please call our Customer Service office or your sales representative if you are interested in emailing your orders.

Is Sweet Christine's Bakery open to the public (sold retail)?

Yes, we are open to the public from our orignal bakery Monday - Saturday. If you are in the food service business our online ordering system is private and an account is required in order to access. Please call our Customer Service office at 610-444-5542 for more information.

What is the delivery schedule in my area?

We deliver our products throughout the United States. Please call our Customer Service office at 610-444-5542 or your sales representative for more information.

Store Hours


Tuesday - Friday 9:00 - 6:00
Saturday 9:00 - 3:00

Please stop by and visit us!

We offer order pick up. Call ahead and place an order.


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Christine on TV!

Watch our founder Christine on a CBS show featuring our bakery products.

CLICK HERE to watch


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