SCB's Sustainability Initiative

Hello and thank you for visiting.

We are reshaping our company and practices so we operate in a sustainable and better way by adhering to a broad-based sustainable mindset. Our Sustainable Initiative is focused on efficient and effective utilization of resources to reduce the usage of fossil fuels and non-renewals resources that are damaging our planet.

After seeing some of the programs that have been implemented by other companies it became abundantly clear that we need to do our part. That recognition has given us a real sense of purpose as we have taken our environmental responsibilities to heart.

We developed a credible vision of how our company can flourish in the context of the ecological constraints we face as a bakery operation and as citizens. We are just a minuscule part of the equation but we have a firm belief that our changes can have an impact because every little effort helps. 

Our promise to our supporters, customers, employees and neighbors is that we will give a sincere effort and we will perform our sustainability duties as intelligently and devotedly as we can. Great consideration will be given to the decisions we make that impact our ability to enhance sustainability.

Transforming SCB into a sustainable company will take time and it is a long-term commitment. Our Phase 1 activities and decisions have been made and we are going green as fast as we can. Phase II has been planned and we will keep you posted. Your feedback is always appreciated. Have a great day.

Kevin McCann, Sustainability Champion
Sweet Christine's Bakery


SCB Phase 1 Sustainability Steps Taken

    All Locations
  1. Turning off unused lights and equipment
  2. Installing energy-efficient light bulbs
  3. Using biodegradable cleaning products
  4. Using bathroom tissue and paper towels that are made from recycled fiber
  5. We are providing all employees their own coffee mugs and providing mugs for visitors 
  6. Set up paper and packaging recycling programs.
  7. Using timed thermostats
  8. Use paperless employee time clock
  9. Reduce the waste generated by donating reusable office items (furniture, stationary) to charitable organizations
  10. Purchase products with least packaging (no plastic, styrofoam, aerosol packaging)

  1. Products are shipped frozen giving them a nine month shelf life thusly eliminating consumer waste.
  2. Increase waste diversion by recycling all paper, bottles and containers
  3. Purchase Energy Star rated equipment, appliances and office equipment
  4. Cloth piping bags are washed and re-used
  5. Storage: Sturdy, plastic pint and quart containers are washed and re-used.
  6. Carbon footprint: We have recently recruited wholesale distributors who will fulfill orders to our wholesale customers who we had been shipping direct in small quantities. This cuts down on emissions caused by using multiple carriers. This cuts down on our carbon footprint.
  7. Ingredients: Ingredients are purchased in bulk to cut down on packaging.
  8. All ingredients are all-natural, which means less synthetic chemicals are used to produce them. 
  9. Common blends: A common blend of flours is used in most of our bread products eliminating the number of flours required saving on packaging and carrier requirements.
  10. We use bread crumbs from bread cutters for retail packaged bread crumbs
  11. We use brownie crumbs for making pie crusts


  1. Requiring all printing and copying to be done double-sided
  2. Purchase remanufactured toner cartridges
  3. Purchase Energy Star rated appliances and office equipment
  4. Marketing is done by email
  5. Invoices are sent by email

    Retail Bakery/CafĂ©
  1. Email receipts to retail customers.
  2. Train staff to reduce to go food packaging
  3. Reusable dishes are used
  4. We use a towel service instead of heavy use of paper towels
  5. We provide free food to support groups

Store Hours


Tuesday - Friday 9:00 - 6:00
Saturday 9:00 - 3:00

Please stop by and visit us!

We offer order pick up. Call ahead and place an order.


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Christine on TV!

Watch our founder Christine on a CBS show featuring our bakery products.

CLICK HERE to watch


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